Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Recycling marketing managers

Why is it that so many companies sack their marketing managers after little more than 1 years service and then hire the next one to be recycled again approximately a year later.

Well hey if a salesperson didn't deliver any sales or prove any realistic sales pipeline figures, in that same amount of time, they wouldn't last much longer than a year either.

But is this fair? It's business. Marketing managers need to show measurable marketing results and/or even better marketing ROI. And the tighter the economy becomes the more important this will become.

But that is such a short term mentality! That's business!

Unless ...

If as a Marketing Manager you can prove that you have made considerable strides towards certain goals in that year, by way of measurable results. And show what the outlook is for the next year in terms of reaching the required goals of the company - you maybe able to save your position.

Just like a salesperson who has developed a considerable sales pipeline which will close in the following year, many companies will take a longer term perspective when deciding whether to recycle.

So in order not to be recycled next year - try measurable marketing.

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